There are 23 ads in selected category

STETON P120 C veneer press

Used, Sell

Price: 49000,00 PLN (Net)

Added: 2025-01-29

Spajarka zszywarka fornirow forniru Fisher Rückle

Used, Sell

Price: 6800,00 EUR (Net) to negotiate

Added: 2014-10-19

Okleiniarka IMA

Used, Sell

Price: 13900,00 PLN (Gross) to negotiate

Added: 2014-08-16

Okleiniarka do elementow krzywoliniowych BRANDT

Used, Sell

Price: 5900,00 PLN (Gross) to negotiate

Added: 2014-08-16

Okleiniarka do elementow krzywoliniowych BRANDT

Used, Sell

Price: 5900,00 PLN (Gross) to negotiate

Added: 2014-08-16

Okleiniarka do blatow BIESSE

Used, Sell

Price: 8900,00 PLN (Gross) to negotiate

Added: 2014-08-16


Used, Sell

Price: 1608339,65 PLN (Gross)

Added: 2014-08-11


Used, Sell

Price: 555,00 EUR (Gross)

Added: 2014-06-12

Okleiniarka BRANDT KTV 51

Used, Sell

Price: 5555,00 PLN (Net)

Added: 2014-06-12

Okleiniarka wąskich płaszczyzn BRANDT OPTIMAT

Used, Sell

Price: 11111,00 EUR (Gross)

Added: 2014-06-02

Linia do oklejania listew - FRIZ

Used, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2014-03-18

Okleiniarka Virutex EB-25

Used, Sell

Price: 3300,00 PLN (Net) to negotiate

Added: 2013-10-08

Skrawarka obwodowa (łuszczarka) maszyna do okleiny

Used, Sell

Price: 50000,00 PLN (Gross)

Added: 2013-02-16

Edgebander HOLZ-HER SPRINT 1321

Used, Sell

Price: 82000,00 PLN (Net) to negotiate

Added: 2012-10-19

Okleiniarka HOLZTECH K320

Used, Sell

Price: 28000,00 PLN (Net)

Added: 2012-06-25

Okleiniarka jednostronna EBS XB20 NOWA

New, Sell

Price: 38000,00 PLN (Net)

Added: 2012-06-25

Okleiniarka jednostronna EGURKO KKS

Used, Sell

Price: 19000,00 PLN (Net)

Added: 2012-02-17

Okleiniarka jednostronna Holz-Her SPRINT 1411/1411

Used, Sell

Price: 29000,00 PLN (Net)

Added: 2012-02-17

centrum obróbcze

Used, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2011-08-07

Prasa do forniru OTT

New, Sell

Price: 21000,00 PLN (Gross)

Added: 2011-06-07

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