There are 111 ads in selected category

Frezarka do odwodnień i odpowietrzeń 6-glowicowa

Used, Sell

Price: 6800,00 PLN (Gross)

Added: 2014-01-08

Frezarka do zaczyszczania narożników z frezami Vek

New, Sell

Price: 7900,00 PLN (Net)

Added: 2014-01-08

Pila do listew szklanych

Used, Sell

Price: 6500,00 PLN (Net)

Added: 2014-01-08

Zgrzewarka 2 glowicowa

Used, Sell

Price: 11850,00 PLN (Net)

Added: 2014-01-08

Stol montazowy

Used, Sell

Price: 500,00 PLN (Gross)

Added: 2014-01-08

Transport maszyn Warszawa - Polska

New, Sell

Price: 1,50 PLN (Gross)

Added: 2013-11-06

Maszyna do nakładania kleju i piankowania

Used, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2013-09-13

capitals compaktors

Used, Sell

Price: 10,00 PLN (Net) to negotiate

Added: 2013-09-12

Film cutting machine Slitter EUROMAC SV109-TB 6.06

Used, Sell

Price: 280000,00 PLN (Net) to negotiate

Added: 2013-07-09

Slitter rewinder Kampf / Universal U5F

Used, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2013-07-09

Slitter rewinder Kampf / Universal U5F

Used, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2013-07-09

Perkin machine for cutting paper tubes

Used, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2013-07-09

Dwugłowicowa frezarko-kopiarka ELUMATEC

New, Sell

Price: 12375,00 PLN (Gross)

Added: 2013-05-09

Sprężarka śrubowa FIAC NewSilver 860 l/min

New, Sell

Price: 15560,00 PLN (Gross) to negotiate

Added: 2013-04-03

linia do pirolizy plastiku i gumy

New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2013-02-19

Linia do recyklingu butelek PET

New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2013-02-07

wykonam maszyne do produkcji maty podłogowej z po

New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2013-01-13

Kruszarka dwuwałowa MOCO

New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2012-12-11


Used, Sell

Price: 25000,00 PLN (Gross)

Added: 2012-10-02

Maszyna do cięcia pianki

Used, Sell

Price: 80000,00 PLN (Net) to negotiate

Added: 2012-06-13

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