There are 1422 ads in selected category

New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2024-02-27

New, Sell

Price: 19200,00 USD (Net)

Added: 2024-02-03

New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2024-01-31

New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2024-01-24

New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2024-01-24

New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2024-01-24

New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2024-01-24

New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2024-01-24

New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2024-01-24


New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2024-01-24

odciąg, piła

New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2024-01-24

stół kalibrujący

New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2024-01-24

stół kalibrujący odkładczy

Used, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2024-01-24

New, Sell

Price: 60000,00 PLN (Net) to negotiate

Added: 2023-12-28

New, Sell

Price: 6000,00 PLN (Gross)

Added: 2023-12-28

New, Sell

Price: 75000,00 PLN (Gross)

Added: 2023-12-12

Used, Sell

Price: 240000,00 PLN (Net) to negotiate

Added: 2023-11-24

New, Sell

Price: 99000,00 PLN (Net)

Added: 2023-11-15

Punching machine for drainage pipes 100, 80, 50 mm

New, Sell

Price: 59000,00 PLN (Net)

Added: 2023-11-02

Single screw extruder fi 120

Used, Sell

Price: 19000,00 PLN (Net)

Added: 2023-11-02

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