Machine description
Technical data of the DMG MORI CLX 350 lathe
maximum turning diameter: 320 mm
turning diameter (over the bed): 610 mm
turning diameter (over cross sledge): 400 mm
feed in the X/Z axis: 242.5/580 mm
rapid traverse in the X/Z axis: 30/36 m/min
maximum spindle rotational speed: 5000 rpm
spindle end: A2-6
front spindle bearing diameter: 120 mm
maximum spindle torque (40/100% DC): 168/112 Nm
bar diameter: 51 mm
tailstock travel: 550 mm
operating hours: 4611 h
weight of machine including chip conveyor: approx. 4700 kg
Equipment of the CLX 350 turning center
CNC controller
19″ DMG MORI SLIMline colour touchscreen control panel with 3D module
12-position turret with VDI 30 toolholders
integrated chip conveyor
foot switch controller
workspace illumination