There are 114 ads in selected category

Iveco Iveco 500 Putzmeister

Used, Sell

Price: 212000,00 EUR (Net)

Added: 2015-05-18

Stacjonarna wytwórnia betonu towarowego

New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2015-04-08


Used, Sell

Price: 10000,00 PLN (Net)

Added: 2015-04-03

Zbiorniki na cement

Used, Sell

Price: 5000,00 PLN (Net)

Added: 2015-04-03

Zbiorniki na kruszywa 10m3

New, Sell

Price: 4000,00 PLN (Net) to negotiate

Added: 2015-04-03

Zbiorniki na kruszywa 20m3

Used, Sell

Price: 7500,00 PLN (Net) to negotiate

Added: 2015-04-03

Zbiornik na cement Z-25A 25 ton

Used, Sell

Price: 7000,00 PLN (Net)

Added: 2015-01-13

ogrzewanie węzła betoniarskiego

New, Sell

Price: 125000,00 PLN (Gross) to negotiate

Added: 2015-01-11

Putzmeister P-13

Used, Sell

Price: 18000,00 PLN (Net) to negotiate

Added: 2014-11-16

Pompa do betonu

Used, Sell

Price: 160000,00 PLN (Net)

Added: 2014-10-09


New, Sell

Price: 53000,00 PLN (Net)

Added: 2014-05-03

Betoniarka ciągnikowa 1200l

New, Sell

Price: 5650,00 PLN (Net)

Added: 2013-10-14

Młyny kulowe - młyny do węgla, wapna, gipsu, koksu

New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2013-06-24

Mobilny węzeł betoniarski Mobil-100

New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2013-04-27

Mobilny węzeł betoniarski

New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2013-04-27

Węzeł betoniarski Skako

Used, Sell

Price: 500000,00 PLN (Net) to negotiate

Added: 2013-04-27

Agregat Tynkarski

New, Sell

Price: 4270,00 PLN (Net)

Added: 2013-04-12

Mrówczan wapnia 98%

New, Sell

Price:  to negotiate

Added: 2013-03-19


Used, Sell

Price: 15000,00 PLN (Gross) to negotiate

Added: 2013-01-31

Betoniarnia planetarna

New, Sell

Price: 200000,00 PLN (Net) to negotiate

Added: 2012-11-02

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